Ways To Market Your Business


Put yourself out there!  Tell EVERYONE what you do!!

You’ve come up with an amazing idea for a product or service. You’ve gone as far as building a website and creating a prototype, but now it’s time to get the word out. You want customers, and you also want everyone to know what you’re doing.

Maybe you already have a few people paying for your services. But just because a few bucks are trickling in doesn’t mean your business is really out there in the world.
Don’t worry- there are a million ways to let the world know about your awesome new company.

1. Be a (Genuine) Resource
You know a lot about your industry, right? That’s why you do what you do.
If you’re a respected resource, people will pay attention every time you release something new. They’ll respect your opinion, be more likely to give your product a shot, and even get excited about side projects you're taking on.

​2. Find Outlets in Your City
Cities are great places to live because there’s so much going on, so DUH, you’ve got to find networking groups, visit some co-working spaces, and go to some events in the area.

But don’t limit yourself to startup-friendly events. There are other opportunities in your town, city, or state like parades, homecoming events, university ceremonies, or even local bulletin boards. 

3. Start a Super Cool Blog (like this one!)
Think content marketing is a strategy you should think about down the road? Think again. Companies can have created super helpful blogs that put them on the radar screen. These companies don’t just have great products—they’re also leaders and resources in their fields. They provide extremely valuable information.

If you write well, offer honest tips, and put your sales-y pitches aside, your blog and website content can attract all sorts of visitors. Plus, if you write about other companies you admire and explain why, you might get a little attention from them too. (do you see what we have done there?)

If you want to get the word out about your company, you’ve got to... well... get the words out.

Have fun!

Love & Umbrellas,

HUM Team


Katarina Eastment