How to Show Your Support

There's a growing population of women starting businesses, often with less money, time or resources than men. If you want to support your soul sisters out there, now is the time and we have a few simple things you can do that will make a huge impact.

1. Buy. Use. Refer.
It’s simple...become their customer or client!

2. Like. Share. Post.
Liking, sharing or posting about your friends business is a huge gesture in this digital age.

Ask your friend how you can help and if what they suggest is manageable for you then do it! They will appreciate that gesture more than you can imagine :)

3. Be like glue and stick people together.
Having an understanding of what your friend’s business is all about will help you be a master connector. As you meet ideal clients or customers for your friend’s business it will be natural for you to suggest that they connect.


4. Ask what you can do.
It’s not easy starting or running your own business, even a side business takes up a ton of time and energy! If you really want to support your friend in her new venture try asking her how you can help.

5. Give honest feedback or just be a Cheerleader. If your friend has not asked for your opinion then you get the best job of all, Cheerleader! Be there to support, say nice things and encourage your friend as she navigates the crazy world of entrepreneurship.

No matter how you choose to show up for your friend I am sure she’ll appreciate it.

A special shout out goes to our friends and family that continue to show up and support us here at Her Umbrella Magazine every day!

Katarina Eastment