The right time is now!


If you had asked me years ago where I would see myself today, I don’t think I would have said it would be here, living in the same postcode I grew up in, working from the renovations-in-progress cottage I call home and running my own business. 

I certainly didn’t set out to be a business owner and almost 2 years in, I do wonder if I actually know what I am doing but I am happy to flounder along, sometimes sinking, sometimes floating but always moving. 

Back in 2019, in a pre-Covid world, I made the decision to leave my job. It was a seemingly ‘ideal’ position that was close to home, offered me a comfortable pay, flexibility of hours, a partial outlet for my creativity and the ability to be home for my children, but it had become something I did because I had the qualifications and experience, not something I felt passionate about, or a job I could put my heart and soul into.

The decision to leave wasn’t easy. Financially, it made no sense - having just taken out a loan on top of the house mortgage to fund renovations, a start-up business wasn’t going to be bringing in the bacon (or even the ham!) short term. From a friendship point of view there were people in the workplace I had formed connections with, and it was hard to put myself first, not something I was used to or comfortable with. It was a risk, but one I knew I had to take, or I’d be forever wondering ‘what if?’ As the quote says: 

“I refused to be the girl who didn’t pursue her passions because she didn’t have enough belief in herself.” 

Two months into starting the venture my husband required medical treatment which meant temporarily relocating to an apartment in Brisbane with the two kids and business in tow. Another two months later we were back home and Covid was in full swing. The year brought quite a few surprises, but we managed and I had orders - people were enjoying my products!  

The temptation to turn to a mindless and easy job that brought home a guaranteed income was certainly there and I did consider it more than once. What stopped me was the knowledge that it wouldn’t fill my cup, I’d still be left wanting and then I’d have a job I didn’t enjoy and would have to keep turning up for.  

I think the hardest part for me has been the requirement to slow down. It was the whole conception behind my company, the idea that you could take your time, take in the moments. That was easier said than done. I got quite good at managing my home, class and business commitments but had started forgetting to do things that were lighting me up. I had started questioning my ‘why’.

I decided to get a personal planner (I went with the Leanne Baker/Project 14 Create Space Daily Planner) to give me the motivation to set some firm goals and to start doing one thing each day for me.

That one thing really varies - from tidying a space, completing a renovation task on my own, cooking something delicious to creating time for art. Things that give me a sense of accomplishment and make me happy. I don’t use this for any urgent or must do tasks - that way, if life gets crazy, I know it can be achieved another day. 

I don’t know what the future holds, but right now, in this moment, I’m sure this is where I am meant to be. If you’re thinking about making a change in your life, all I can suggest is to do it, the timing will never be more perfect! Don’t be the only thing that stands in your way.

Sara Pardon
Ettie and Dorrie

Should you wish to view the product range, you can find Ettie and Dorrie on Facebook, Instagram and via the website: and you can contact Sara directly at She will most likely respond from her tiny studio space with a cup of tea in hand, a sparkling of an idea in mind and birdsong filling the air.