Issue Three - Noni Croft (Croft Confidence)

Noni Croft

Noni Croft is an Emotional Freedom Technique Counselor, who cares for people one on one and educates around the globe about how to build resilience, grow courage and highlight your personal strengths. The healing she provides is an incredible process which allows you to unpack your pain, suffering and struggles in a safe environment and takes you on a journey of self discovery and personal growth.

Often times in life it can seem like there is a sea of pain and limited answers for the problems you are currently going through or have experienced in the past and keep coming up for you, EFT counselling can reveal patterns that no longer serve you and helps to lead you to the answers you were unable to discover by yourself.

A huge benefit of the process is incredible positive change which allows you to deeply accept yourself and step into the light of your motivated, inspired and awakened self.

We are thrilled to have Noni in Issue Three of Her Umbrella Magazine!


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Katarina Eastment