Issue Three - Kellie Dexter (Zen On Elliott)

Zen on Elliott

Kellie Dexter is a Naturopath, Nutritionist and Beauty Therapist at Zen on Elliott in Bundaberg, a wellness centre focused on delivering a range of high quality, complimentary therapies to the Bundaberg community. Inspired by her own childhood naturopath, Cherie De Haas, Kellie’s interest in natural health grew and she became passionate about harnessing the body’s innate ability to heal itself.

Kellie has four beautiful children, all of whom experienced behavioural challenges and food intolerances which led Kellie to further explore the types of food they were eating and the subsequent effects food had on their minds and bodies. “Looking at our environment is the first step to healing our children.” Kellie affirms. “Changing what they eat and the chemicals they are exposed to often leads to huge changes. Further to this, detoxification of heavy metals, restoration of gut function and remineralisation are required for optimal functioning, leading to increased cognition, improved behaviour, and calmer kids. It is a long journey that requires commitment, but it is so rewarding once you come out the other side, and see your children thrive”.

With first hand experience of ADHD, food allergies, MTHFR, Pyrolluria and so much more through her journey to heal her own children, Kellie decided to use her knowledge and channel her passion into a career.

But having been focussed on helping her family for a long time, Kellie started feeling the effects of burnout, as well as mother guilt. She was conscious that in order to continue giving to her family and to others, and to embark on a new career, she needed to look inwards and heal herself first. It was then she recognised that so many women felt exactly like her: exhausted; lacking in time for themselves; overwhelmed at times combined with a perpetual feeling of self-guilt. Manymothers wrongly conclude that they aren’t doing enough, or that they have caused problems by not making the right choices for their children / family. Many don’t know how to fix their health issues. This new awareness led to Kellie’s passion for working withwomen to restore their own health, particularly after childbirth and having a family. She encourages women to reconnect with themselves, allowing them to ‘fill their own cups’ in order to give further to their loved ones.

“I believe that if we look inwards and focus on healing ourselves, reconnecting with our innate healing powers, we are able to truly give more to our families and loved ones. It’s not selfish, it’s self-love, of which we need to do more”.

Kellie also believes that education plays an important role in healing. “If we understand what is happening in our body we are more likely to make the decision to support it by providing all of the tools it requires to be able to heal itself”.

With a background in education, Kellie is a lifelong learner and is constantly researching and studying to stay at the cutting edge of natural health interventions. She is currently working towards qualifications in functional nutrition and environmental medicine, with an emphasis on women’s health.

We are thrilled to have her in Issue Three!


Katarina Eastment